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SHA-1 cryptographic hash

The SHA-1 cryptographic hash is a NIST Secure Hash Standard function.

Some of the most important properties of cryptographic / secure hash are:

  1. Hash inversion is hard:

    For any x: given only hash(x), it is hard to find x

    This property assumes that the value x is not known. It also assumes that x is not more than the maximum value that can be hashed.
  2. Hash forgery is hard:

    Given x, it is hard to find a y != x such that hash(y) = hash(x)

    This property assumes that x and y are not more than the maximum value that can be hashed.
  3. Linear hash operations are hard:

    For any x: given only hash(x), and c != 0, it is hard to compute hash(x + c)

    This property assumes that the value x is not known. It also assumes that both x + c and x are not more than the maximum value that can be hashed.
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